Monday, July 21, 2014

Fracking in Denton, Texas

To Frack or not to Frack, that is the question.  At least within Denton, Texas city limits.

Denton, Texas is dealing with the issue of oil and gas well fracking within city limits.  There was a citizen proposed ban on fracking which the city council considered during an open meeting.  They heard from the various parties about the proposed ban.  I attended this meeting and listened at the adjacent convention center due to the overflow crowd.  The result was that the council sent the proposed ban to the November elections to let the voters decide.  There was considerable debate in the format of three minute speeches by interested parties.  Here is my take on the talks and situation:

1. There are real issues concerning fracking procedures in the city limits.  Mothers reported health problems with their children during fracking operations near their homes.  After contacting the drilling companies, nothing was done to address their concerns.  Only now that action is being taken to stop the practice of fracking are the drillers now proposing to “work with the city council” to help with these health and safety concerns.

2. The industry pulled out the big guns to oppose this ban.  The council heard from geologists, state regulators, and politicians about the safety and need for fracking.  They know this is a test case in Texas.  If a town in the state bans fracking and it sticks, then other cities will follow suit and ban fracking in their jurisdiction.  That could lead to more restrictions on drilling and fracking.  They do not want these restrictions and will do whatever it takes to keep drilling.

3. One thing the drillers threatened everyone with was lawsuits to continue their fracking.  State law may supersede local ordinances in this case.  Some of the politicians spoke of the majority of rights and how drilling for oil may have precedence over other concerns.  The state of New York has shown that local governing bodies do have the right to control what goes on within their geographic area.  We will see if the same holds true in Texas if and when the ordinance is passes and is then challenged in the courts.  It may end up in the Supreme Court eventually.

My opinion: The oil industry has more than enough areas where they can drill or frack old wells.  The safety and quality of life issues are important for the citizens of Texas and the U.S.  Let’s ban fracking in the city limits and take back our cities from industry who only cares when we actually do something to protect our families and health.  Thanks for listening.

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